Thursday, October 17, 2019

Letter to the Editor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Letter to the Editor - Essay Example The transmission of the disease occurs on sharing of the needles and syringes. Some drugs abused have effects of do not  care  aspect  coming from the drug abusers. They often  exchange  or share the needles and syringes containing the drugs. In the process of sharing, if one drug user is an HIV positive, the virus will end up spreading to many more users when they share the needles. Therefore, injecting drugs Users  constitute  a health threat to the local population. The main reason why IDUs should be focused is that most are young people.  They  spread  HIV to the rest of the people because they are more sexually active.  This means that the future  generation  will be at risk. HIV sequences  comparison  from newly reported cases amongst injecting drug users  has been used. Similarities of the genome got identified. This sums up that the virus must be circulating among drug users. Other data collected by  clinical  monitoring  are represented  for injecting drug users. HIV among the IDUs has remained a neglected issue. Policies have been many concerning drug control, but the  level  of a country to address HIV among IDUs is extremely  low. In most cases, prevention services  are limited. IDUs  get  no care or support from any source even when the funding of the HIV prevention measures got put into consideration. My main  objective  in this letter is to come up with an appealing solution to help curb this problem of HIV amongst IDUs (W.H.O., 2004). It is not necessary to stigmatise anyone as the cause of this but  rather  focus on the risk and take appropriate health  action  to  stop  the spread of the virus. Recent studies show that the IDUs remains excluded from the anti retroviral  therapy  and even basic care. To solve this problem, we need a multi combination of methods to at least be  effective. This  guide  is put  down for all institutions, individuals and

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